Guidance on Product Application

The key target, for all crops, is to deliver a dilution of 1:50 of the extract to the active growing meristems (especially roots) / active young leaves of the plant.
In most cases, this requires 10 liters extract per hectare, delivered in 450 – 500 liters spray. However, good results have been obtained by some growers with lower volume spraying, eg down to 5 liters extract in 200-250 liters spray.
For the treatment of small areas of crop dilute 1 liter in 40 – 50 liters of water and apply over an area up to 500 square meters.
Apply as a coarse or medium spray by handheld, pedestrian controlled or vehicle-mounted sprayer.
Spring barley, wheat, and oats.
The minimum recommendation is a single treatment at 1:50 dilution when the first node is detectable, ideally at 10.0 liters extract in 450 liters spray. At this volume, there will be a greater effect on tillering as well as the primary effect on grain initiation/formation.
A further application of 5 liters extract per hectare in summer (early green ear stage) will encourage grain yield/quality; although many fully organic growers achieve optimum results using 10.0 liters extract in 450 liters spray, in all applications.
Grazing: 5 liters in 250 – 450 liters spray, just following first growth flush and repeated at 3-week intervals. 10 liters extract per hectare in 450 liters spray is best.
Silage: 10 liters per hectare in 450 liters spray, as spring growth commences, with 5 liters per hectare applied 2-3 weeks before the cut.
10 liters per hectare in 450 liters spray, two weeks after emergence, with follow-up at 5 liters per hectare at over 30% groundcover stage, especially for main crops). It can be applied with blight treatment if appropriate (consult our technical support for guidance).